
Scratch x Romo Workshop @ Miraikan

About Workshop / ワークショップ内容


The world's first workshop for programming Romo with Scrtach was held on Feb 7 (sat) and 8 (sun) at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan).19 elementary and junior high school students participated over the 2 days.

ワークショップの流れ /Workshop Agenda :

■ロボットとプログラミングの話 / About Robots and Programming

■今日のポイント・ロボットの使い方 / Today's tips and how to use the robot

■ロボットを動かしてみましょう / Let's try moving the robot

■ロボットを工夫して、ミッションに挑戦 / Let's clear the mission with your original movements


There were 3-4 students who had used Scratch before in each class but there were also students who were not familiar with using computers. Yet controlling animation on the screen with Scratch was different from controlling and actual moving robot Romo and so it did not mean that experienced Scratch users were the ones that cleared the mission.  Actually the novice Scratch users were the ones who were good at clearing the mission,  



Since these kinds of workshop have time constrains, the movements used to clear the mission were movements one can program on the original Romo App. Yet programming with Scratch allowed the students to be able to confirm the entire program and also program more detailed movements to create their desired movements.  Also programming with a computer allowed the students to share each other's program and use the good elements of each program to work together to clear the mission.  These were some differences from programming with the Romo App and with Scratch.  


Overall the students had a good hands on experience with programming robots and most of all they had fun with Scratch and Romo!  

Summary Video of Workshop / まとめ動画


Below is a summary of photos and videos of missions from the workshop!

About Scratch2Romo / Scratch2Romoについて

As introduced in the past blog article,


Scratch2Romo is an App which connects the programming language Scratch with Romo.


The app is planned to be available for download on iTunes from the end of February.
Please refer to the below website for updates on the status of the App.

Scratch2Romo EVENTS

今後のScratch x Romoのワークショップは多摩六都科学館で3月14日(土)、15日(日)に予定されています。ご興味ある方は下記ページから申し込みください。

The next Scratch x Romo Workshop will be held at the Tamarokuto Science Center on March 14 (sat) and 15 (sun).If you are interested please register from the below website.



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